This is the first screen that should pop up when you are Installing Windows XP.
From here hit the enter button to set up Windows XP.
At this screen read the license agreement and hit the F8 to agree and continue with the installation.
At this screen with the unpartitioned space highlighted hit the enter button.
You should see this screen with the setup installing. Just wait until the screen with the exciting new look.
If you are at this screen, you are on the right track.
Select the next button if you do not wish to customize the region settings. Otherwise hit the customize button to change the region settings.
Type your name and the organization you are apart of (i.e Cisco), and hit the next button.
At this screen enter the product key, and hit the next button.
Name your computer here, and enter an administrator password.
At this screen configure the calendar, time, time zone, and hit next.
At this screen select typical or  custom network settings, and after that hit next.
Type the name of the workgroup at this screen and hit enter.
At this screen hit ok, and it should show another message saying if you can read this hit next.
At this screen hit the next button.
Select yes or no depending on your type of internet connectivity.
At  this screen  choose yes to activate windows now, otherwise hit no and after 30 days you must activate windows to be able to use it.
At this screen you can select whether or not you want to register with Microsoft.
Type the names of the people that will use this computer at this screen.
Click the finish button, and congratulations you have successfully installed Windows XP Professional.
At this screen you can select to take the tour of Windows XP to show all of its features, and after that you are free to use Windows XP as you see fit.

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